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One Crisis Away
Your Support During Refugee Week Matters More Than Ever

We’ve all seen the news.


From the Rwanda Bill to the rise of the nationalist parties in the latest European elections, there is an undeniably growing wave of anti-refugee sentiment sweeping across Europe. 


At the same time, the United Nations projects that 20% more refugees will need resettlement support this year compared to 2023. It is more important than ever to stand in solidarity today with those who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. 

By donating to Indigo Volunteers during Refugee Week (June 17th-23rd), you are taking a stance with refugees and being part of a solution. 

You too could be a "Refugee"

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee their home due to conflict, persecution, or disaster. Being a refugee is not a choice or something that can only happen to others. 


Any one of us could become a refugee; 

we are one natural disaster, one national crisis or one act of war away from this harshest reality. 

In this hour of heartbreaking need, our shared humanity calls upon us to take action for refugees. 

A Rapidly Growing Need Amid Shrinking Resources

While the UN projects that 20% more refugees will need support this year,  humanitarian organisations are struggling to get support where it is needed most due to a lack of funding and a shortage of volunteers.

How You Can Help

Indigo’s charity partners are a lifeline to refugees: from distributing clothing and meals to essential medical care, our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to help vulnerable people  find safety, stability, and a sense of home once again.


For every £1 you donate, Indigo will give refugees £23 worth of medical aid, education, integration support, legal assistance, and more by supporting humanitarian charities with responsible volunteers, expertise and resources that help them create a meaningful impact.

Your donations will help refugees access:

Quality education
for children and adults
Nutritious food & shelter
for all
Safe spaces
for women and children
Legal aid
throughout their journey

Double Your Donation

Just for this week, all donations will be matched by our private donor, so join us in making double the impact during Refugee Week by

  • Donating (and exploring if your employer will match your donation)

  • Sharing our campaign with friends and family

  • Sharing our social media posts


Your participation and donations will help us continue offering vital services, aid, and safety to refugees. 


Our Impact in 2023


displaced people supported


partners supported

across 10 countries


days of volunteering


£3 million

in donated hours

(at 7.5 h/d and 16.6 £/h)

Looking for more ways to help?

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