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A Current Look at the Global Refugee Crisis and the Role of Humanitarian Support

Earlier in 2024, the UN projected an increase in the number of people forced to flee their homelands.

Yet, the harsh reality of growing global conflicts has meant that the crisis is even worse than what we feared.

From the devastating conflict in Gaza to the rapidly escalating situation in #Lebanon, compounded by the ongoing crises in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Afghanistan and in many parts of Latin and South America, the world is witnessing an unprecedented surge in displacement.

Millions of people have been uprooted from their homes, seeking safety, while humanitarian support falls alarmingly short.

In Europe, the political landscape is shifting in response to #refugee movements, but not as we would hope. #Elections across the continent reflect a growing wave of protectionism and fear, leading many governments to adopt stricter border policies and offer diminishing support for refugees and the humanitarian organisations trying to assist them. This trend is straining resources and placing additional pressure on those few organisations that remain committed to this vital work. Many of our charity partners have reported severe financial strain, with some charities forced to close their doors altogether. Those still in operation are stretched thin, relying heavily on volunteers to bridge the gap in resources. 

The private sector, too, has been slow to step forward.

From our outreach, we have heard some companies shying away from supporting efforts considered "controversial," leaving humanitarian organisations facing #funding shortage with fewer places to turn for support than before. The one loophole for reluctance, thankfully, is the corporate participation in larger multi-charity initiatives, such as the Big Give and Giving Tuesday, which allows them to offer support that both provides them recognition, but without a direct connection to a specific cause. This exception notwithstanding, the reluctance of both governments and corporations to engage is creating an unsustainable situation.

Despite these challenges, there is a bright spot: private citizens.

Their (and your) willingness to act, whether by volunteering their time or providing financial support, has become one of the most critical lifelines for #humanitarian efforts.

Every hour volunteered and every pound, euro and dollar donated is crucial to keeping these initiatives alive, especially as traditional avenues of support shrink.



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