In the UK, charitable donations are suffering from an incredible downfall. The Benefact Group’s Value of Giving found that in 2022, the value of charitable donations fell to £4.3 billion compared to £9.3 billion in the previous year. In a scenario where grassroots and small organisations rely on private donations to help the most vulnerable, this data raises concerns about their future and the future of the vulnerable people they support.

What if a collaboration between for-profit and non-profit organisations could solve this problem?
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been a major driver of change for this and other pressing challenges. Governments and institutions have channelled global attention towards the importance of achieving these goals, encouraging many businesses in the private sector to show their support by pledging their commitment. This is where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environment Social Governance (ESG) initiatives come in, allowing companies to play an active role in creating change.
How companies take action
One of the key CSR/ESG initiatives businesses promote is fund-matching, the commitment of a company to match every donation made to a fundraising campaign or donation of one of their employees, up to an agreed amount. Through fund-matching, employees can double their donation or collected funds, bringing larger streams of funds into charities in high need of financial support.
Fund-matching opportunities are more common than you think.
According to their websites, the following organisations offer fund-matching opportunities for employees as part of their CSR/ESG programmes:
Johnson & Johnson
3i Deutschland
British Airways
This list is not exhaustive. If you are wondering whether your company might be doing the same, this is your opportunity to find out!
Why you should get involved today
Getting involved is easier than it seems, and the benefits of doing so are almost endless!
By taking part in your company's fund-matching initiative, you will help bridge the gap between funds that your company is committed to using charitably, and charities providing vital help worldwide. Grassroots and small charities have a huge impact on the lives of the most vulnerable communities; however, their work often relies on very limited budgets and unstable sources of funding, such as private donations.
At Indigo, fundraising and donations are key to running our volunteer-matching service, providing well-being support, and sharing organisational development resources and tools. By choosing to fundraise for Indigo through a fund-matching programme, you could double your donations and ensure funds are channeled to where they are most needed!
In short, fund-matching allows you to unlock massive financial potential and help small charities like Indigo continue their increasingly vital work.

You don't need to take our word for it!
Rob is one of our supporters who recently chose to fund-match for Indigo with his company. After discovering the impact fund-matching could make on Indigo's work, he registered Indigo with his company's giving team:
"Now every donation is matched, and with gift aid it means that roughly a £10 donation becomes more like £25 by the time it reaches Indigo. And because of [Indigo's] philosophy, that money goes a long way."
Indigo Volunteers is one of the charities that needs your help. We support 46 charities, helping them deliver food, education, medicine and safety to refugees and displaced people across Europe & Lebanon. By supporting Indigo through your company's fund-matching program, you can maximise your impact and help us provide holistic support to the most vulnerable populations.
How to get started
Here’s a 3 step guide on how to get started!
Talk to your manager or CSR/ESG department. Find if fund-matching is available at your company and the steps to take part. If your company does not yet offer fund-matching, email them to request it.
Set up your fundraiser for Indigo using your company's platform or People's Fundraising and collect donations with the help of your network! Find ideas and resources to plan your fundraiser here & let us know once you're starting your fundraiser so that our team will support you.
Get your funds matched by your employer and start making a change in the lives of refugees across Europe!
If you require additional support, or have any further questions about getting involved in match-funding, contact us or send an email to