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Everything you need to know: Applying to Volunteer with Indigo Volunteers

Congratulations! You have decided you want to volunteer and support refugee populations. This is an incredible step.

But at Indigo, we know that the volunteer process can be daunting. There are so many articles and websites that make the application process, and volunteering itself, seem complicated. 

We have put together this blog post to answer your FAQs about the application process, how it works, and why you should choose to volunteer through Indigo Volunteers. Most importantly, we will help you understand how you can volunteer responsibly!

A group of 13 volunteers are smiling at the camera, dressed in warm clothing

What is responsible volunteering? 

Indigo was established to inspire more people to volunteer and to do so responsibly. According to our experience-based values, responsible volunteering is first and foremost centered around the needs, preferences and aspirations of the recipient communities.

It focuses on sustainable solutions rooted in collaboration between volunteers, organisations and those who they support. Responsible volunteering nurtures the safety and wellbeing of all parties, acknowledging the inherent human worth of volunteers and recipients alike.

What do Indigo’s partners do?

There are hundreds of charity organisations offering support across the globe, with volunteers taking part in a range of activities. 

So who are the organisations partnered with Indigo?

Our partners all provide integral services to support the needs of the refugee and migrant communities across Europe. Their work ranges from providing non-formal education to children and adults, to food distribution and delivering urgent medical services. 

To see a full breakdown of our partners by location and areas of support, please visit Our Partners page.

What experience/qualifications do your partners need?

All experiences and backgrounds are needed!

Our partners run a diverse range of projects and therefore need volunteers of the same diversity.

  • Qualifications are often needed for roles such as teachers, medical and legal staff, and psychosocial support.

  • Training is often provided so many partners don’t require specific skills or qualifications. 

  • Even your hobbies may often be what an organisation is looking for: crafts, sewing, gardening are sought out at times, music.

Have a look at some active requests for volunteers here.

A bubble text reading: Our partners need volunteers in the following fields. There are then 12 bubbles with areas such as Admin, Finances and IT.

How does Indigo choose their charity partners?

It is incredibly important to us that we are not only choosing responsible and reliable partners for our volunteers, but that their infrastructure remains a safe, supportive and impactful environment. 

To do this, we have a strong process when we onboard new partners. We vet new partners and conduct field visits prior to and during our partnership with them. We also communicate and have conversations with our partners frequently 

Do I need to be from Europe to apply?

You don’t need to be from Europe to apply, although if you are applying from outside of Europe, we would encourage you to consider the environmental implications of long distance travelling.

Additionally, if you are residing outside of Europe you are likely to require a VISA. We are unable to start processing volunteer applications unless we receive a proof of VISA, when required. 

Please be informed that Indigo or any of our partners cannot provide any support with obtaining a VISA. If you require a VISA, you will have to source this independently. 

Please find out your volunteering locations’ specific entry requirements for residents of your home country. There are websites, such as Passport Index, that you can use to find out if you need a VISA for your volunteering. 

 This is really important as Indigo and our partners will not be able to help at all in any VISA proceedings.

How old do I need to be to volunteer?

The minimum age to volunteer with our partners is 18 years old, although the majority of our partner projects are now recruiting for volunteers aged 20+. 

There is no maximum age to volunteer!

What is the minimum time I can volunteer?

For most of our partner projects in Greece, France and Lebanon the average length of a short term volunteer placement is f 4 weeks. Opportunities for a minimum of 1 or 2 weeks are also available, although these are limited and less frequently available.

 The majority  of our partners require volunteers to commit to medium/long term placement with a minimum stay of 2-3 months. Long term placements are in fact less disruptive to a project's flow and can create sustainable practices, allowing volunteers to fully contribute their skills and expertise.

Long-term placements are especially needed when volunteering with children and other vulnerable groups, as they provide stability and build trust. This is essential for effective support and ensuring a positive, lasting impact.  This is equally important for other vulnerable groups we serve, ensuring continuity and lasting impact in our work.

We recommend watching this TedTalk to better understand the reasoning behind long term volunteering.

What do I need for the application process?

We will ask you to provide us with various contact details, available volunteering dates, any health-related needs,to agree to obtain a visa independently, and other relevant declarations (i.e. a liability waiver). 

In addition to this, we will also ask you to give us an insight into what you know about the refugee context, any relevant experience, skills, and knowledge that you think you could bring to our partners.

It is important you provide us with as much information as possible, as this will be shared with the organisations themselves.

Are there any hidden costs?

Our service for all our volunteers and partner organisations is completely fee-free. 

Volunteers are expected to be self-funded in terms of travel, accommodation and living expenses. This does, however, vary across organisations. Check the individual organisation on Our Partners page to see which expenses are covered. 

How do I apply?

Step 1:

A list of Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3 that repeats the text. Step one is coloured in green, Step 2 is pink and Step 3 is blue

Fill in an application form. If we require further information, we will reach out to you to chat. 

Step 2:

We search for organisations that fit your profile. When possible, we try to connect volunteers with 1 to 3 host organisations. 

Step 3:

We connect you to the organisation(s) that fit your availability and skills. You can speak to the organisation, learn more about their project and can even speak to a previous volunteer.  If you do not feel an organisation is right for you, we can help explore other suitable options. 

When you confirm your placement with any of our partner projects, please also inform Indigo about your choices and volunteering plans so we can continue to support you. 

How long does it take?

Step 1:

After you submit your application to Indigo, we will review it and start processing it within a maximum of 2 working days. This may vary if additional information or clarifications about your profile are needed; in this case we will reach out and wait for your answer.

Step 2:

Within a maximum of one week, we will provide you with connections/matches with one or more of our partner projects organisations- the number of matches you will receive may vary based on your skills, your availability and the needs of our partner projects at the time you apply.

Step 3:

After being connected with partner projects, you will continue the recruitment process with the projects that you are interested in getting to know better. This step might take between 1 to 3 weeks, based on your availability, the capacity of the charities you are in touch with and your predicted start date.

At any point of this process you can reach out to Indigo and ask for support in:

  • facilitating conversation

  • providing more clarity about your options and the status of your application

  • requesting more connections (if available, we’ll be happy to help :) )

Note: Please, inform all the partner projects that reached out to you about your choices- if you are not interested in volunteering with them, send them an email- it will be very appreciated.

Can Indigo accept all volunteer applications?

To maintain responsible volunteering, Indigo only connects volunteers when their skill set matches our partner's needs. A ‘core skill set’  that our partners are looking for is an understanding  of the situations in which they  operate and what being a ‘responsible’ volunteer means in these contexts. 

When processing applications, the familiarity with the concept of responsible volunteering is something we pay close attention to  whilst we know that volunteers are driven by the best intentions , we continue to place our partners' needs and the communities they support first.

Here are some ways you can stay involved and learn more.

  • Education: Visit our Learn, Prepare & Grow page to find  resources about the refugee crisis,  humanitarian values, responsible volunteering and much more. It is a great place to get started :)

  • Take action at home: Follow our friends at Europe Must Act and continue to take action in your local community. If you live in the UK, you could also organise a collection - visit the donations drop-off points on our website to find out where you can donate.

  • Stay connected with us: Follow us on social media and sign up to our newsletter here.

Why should I choose Indigo rather than doing it alone?

This is a fantastic question. You may be thinking about organising your volunteering independently, but there are specific benefits that come from volunteering through Indigo specifically. 

The Indigo Team works closely with all of our partners in Europe, and we have an overview of the volunteer needs of our network. We can therefore connect you with organisations who are suitable for you based on your skills, previous experience and time frame. This also means you will be connected with an organisation where your skills will be truly needed - all at no cost. 

We find a match for 96.5% of applications and place an average of 500 volunteers each year to our partner organisations across Greece, France, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Lebanon and Cyprus.

In addition, you will get access to multiple support resources from Indigo: a Welcome Pack, access to training opportunities, wellbeing resources, and support if an incident occurs during your placement.

In short, volunteering through Indigo rather than doing it alone ensures you are volunteering responsibly, going where you are needed most, and are more protected by safeguards.

Are you ready to make a difference?

We hope this FAQ blog post has answered your questions and given you a clear idea of what to expect when applying to volunteer with Indigo Volunteers. If you have any additional questions, fee free to reach out to our team!

Volunteering responsibly with our partners is not just about giving your time; it's about being part of a global community that values, supports and advocates for the rights of displaced populations.

If you’re ready to start your volunteering journey, apply today:

4 volunteers are in a warehouse sorting through cardboard boxes and smiling at each other.



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