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Indigo Ambassador Role – Ambassador program is full

Please note, we are currently no longer looking for ambassadors at this time. If there are any changes we will update you as soon as possible!

Indigo Volunteers HQ is made up of a host of highly skilled and passionate volunteers who dedicate a few hours of their time per week to help push the charity forward and reach more potential volunteers and projects around the world. We have now launched our Indigo ambassador program and are looking for passionate and dedicated volunteers to join our team. If you  are interested and are available to volunteer for around 2 – 3 hours of your time per month then please read the below and contact us for any further details:

ROLE DESCRIPTION ________________________ Role Title: Ambassador Location: Remote Working / Working from home Reporting to: Indigo Buddy Hours: 2 – 3 hours a month Duration: Minimum 3 months Benefits: Being part of a wonderful team and helping a small charity increase their profile Note: This is a volunteer role only ________________________


PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY One of the most important parts of the program is providing opportunities for you to develop your own personal skills. These skills will be transferable in any given sector of work. As well as this we want to invite you into our Indigo community, to become part of the Indigo family. In order to achieve this we would provide the following; – You will be assigned an Indigo Buddy, they will be there to answer any questions you have, support you in your ambassador role and offer any advice you may need. – You will receive 1:1 meetings with your Indigo Buddy and will keep in regular contact with them. – You will be invited to ambassador co-working sessions at our Indigo offices where ambassadors get a chance to meet one another and share new ideas / their volunteer experiences – Will act as a referee for you after successful completion of your role – A Feature in our monthly newsletter – Complimentary Indigo T-shirt (in the making)

PHASE 1 – BEFORE YOU GO Preparing to volunteer can sometimes be an overwhelming experience however with our information packs and your Indigo buddy we are here to support you each step of the way.

Action: Before you head off on your adventure we ask that you:

– Create a social media post before you go – Join The Volunteer Hub on our Facebook group

Your social media posts should include:

Where: Greece, Northern Lights Aid What: Distributing clothes to camp residents from the NLA free shop How: I found my placement through @indigovolutneers who matched my skills with Northern Lights Aid with no fee! See Social Media Guidelines Indigo Social Media Guidelines

If you do not have social media create an email stating the above to your contacts and talk to your friends and family. PHASE TWO – DURING YOUR PLACEMENT So much happens during your time volunteering and sometimes it is hard to get a minute to yourself, however reflection is also so important and allows you some head space.

We ask from the ambassadors to provide during their placement:

– One or two photos – A quote or small, special account of a day volunteering. – If you love to write then you can create a blog on your time volunteering

You can send it to your Indigo Buddy to post or post it on The Volunteer Hub FB group.

PHASE THREE – AFTER YOUR PLACEMENT Once you return from your adventure it’s likely you will have one or two magical stories to share. We ask that our ambassadors get involved in one or more from the list below .

Once you have returned you can reach out to your Indigo buddy to discuss which role you feel is the best fit for you!

1.Speaker 2.Fundraiser 3.Event organiser 4.Social Media Influencer 5.Networking

Once you have chosen which role is best for you, we will help you to develop a plan on how to execute your chosen activity and connect you with ambassadors who are working on the same role so you can help and support one another.

PURPOSE OF THE ROLE To gain further knowledge in the voluntary sector and to broaden your personal skill set, while becoming part of the Indigo community. To promote the profile of Indigo Volunteers and to ultimately increase the number of people that go out to volunteer at the projects we support.


OVERVIEW OF THE ROLE As an Ambassador you will be taking on an important role that will have a direct impact on helping, inspiring, and encouraging more people to volunteer, and in turn helping have a positive impact on the lives of the people they help. The ambassador role is separated into 5 different roles you can choose from which are in the list above.

The role of Ambassador requires you to understand Indigo Volunteers as a charity, its values and its vision (Please see page 3 and 4 for induction). As an Ambassador you will have the wonderful responsibility be an advocate and the face of Indigo – Inspiring, passionate and fun!

RESPONSIBILITIES  Your main responsibilities are to: – Be the face of Indigo Volunteers! The best way to truly engage people with volunteering is by personal interaction, sharing your story and the work Indigo do. – Inspire people to volunteer. Take opportunities to connect with new people, inspiring them to volunteer   and the huge positive impact it will have on their own life. – Promote Indigo Volunteers and its services to as wide an audience as possible. (e.g group of friends or universities) – Help organise and support events for Indigo. – Represent Indigo at events Indigo staff cannot attend. – Forge relationships between Indigo and other organisations where appropriate. – Raise awareness of Indigo Volunteers by sharing social media content.

SKILLS – Proactive – Passionate about volunteering! – Managing time well, remotely


– Attend one Indigo event or ambassador co-working session – Connect Indigo to potential volunteers, other charities or business – Share social media content twice a month. – Promote Indigo within your network where possible

RESULTS REQUIRED – One pre-departure social media post – Join the Volunteer Hub – Submit a volunteer story or blog post – Undertake one Ambassador activity ie, speaking at an event, fundraising or organising an Indigo event. – Recruit 5 volunteers to projects Indigo supports



ABOUT US Indigo Volunteers work with courageous humanitarian projects that serve people in impoverished communities and refugee camps. We help them get the brilliant volunteers they need to achieve their bold ambitions. We do not charge a penny to anyone for doing this – we’re the world’s first global totally fee-free volunteering organisation 🙂 We attract people who care for the world so much, that when they see something that’s not right, not fair, and where people suffer, it lights a fire in their belly. They can’t help but try to change it. It could be inequality, oppression, hunger – anything. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is taking a stand and being the change they want to see in the world. They are the courageous, the outliers, the explorers, the kind hearted and the wild ones.

PURPOSE Creating a cultural shift in volunteering.

MISSION To make a difference to the lives of others in need by acting as an intermediary source which provides fee-free support for both volunteers and humanitarian projects. This in turn helps projects to flourish and deliver real impact to the communities they serve.

OBJECTIVES – Inspire and help more people to volunteer around the world – Support projects with their volunteer needs – Make volunteering more accessible by providing easy-to-access information and removing barriers such as big fees – Match the right volunteers to the right volunteering opportunities so that projects can meet and exceed their goals – Provide complete support for those on their volunteering journey

VISION To revolutionise the voluntary sector so that all volunteering opportunities are easy to access, ethical, effective and efficient

Indigo VALUES 1) Live with purpose 2) Strive for equality  3) Be courageous 



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