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Northern Lights Aid

What Northern Lights Aid say about Indigo:

Indigo Volunteers has continued to be one of the most important sources of support for Northern Lights Aid over the last year. Indigo have provided us with 37% of all volunteers who have come to work with us this year, all of whom have come with particular skills and experience to suit our project’s needs. Many volunteers sent to us from Indigo have prolonged their stay, returned or progressed within our projects to coordination roles. In March, two previous Indigo- sent volunteers became NLA board members! We have no doubt that this positive volunteering experience started with the first communication with the Indigo team.

 Indigo’s support has been particularly crucial in the winter months, when the number of volunteer applications significantly drops. We have been faced with multiple challenges this year as the camp we support doubled in size over a matter of days. We are always able to communicate our volunteer needs to Indigo, these can be fluctuating and often urgent. I can’t stress enough the ease it brings us to have the incredible, ever- positive Indigo team just an email away to help us meet these needs.

The team are such a joy to partner with. They bring a warm and inspiring energy to those they support in every communication. The strong, consistent, streamlined system they have established make it simple for us to communicate our needs on a regular basis and always feel that these needs are being listened to.

With their help, we will be starting the new year with a full volunteer team. We are safe in the knowledge that whatever the unstable future holds, Indigo’s invaluable support will help us to ensure we always have a strong volunteer team to face the challenges that come.


Northern Lights Aid is the only NGO working to support residents of the camp in Kavala, Northern Greece. Northern Lights Aid is currently focused on improving the standards of living and creating community projects. They work in collaboration with residents of the camps and the military to build sustainable community environments including schools, community cooking, gathering places and recreational areas. Every day people use the free shop for new clothes, shoes and other essential items.



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