2019 was an exciting year for Indigo, and the momentum of 2019’s successes looks to pave the way for an even brighter 2020.
It isn’t just the testimonials and volunteer stories that demonstrate Indigo’s development as a charity; our numbers are more positive than ever. In 2019 we placed 1000 volunteers across the world, to almost 100 different projects. This is almost a 40% increase from 2018, and as s

We are excited to continue this trend of expansion in 2020, hoping to further establish ourself as a charity that is here to stay and is serious about having long-term impact. By focussing on financial sustainability, and by expanding the full time Indigo team, more and more projects can be supported by the ever-growing pool of Indigo volunteers.
For some more in depth figures, testimonials, and visuals about the positive impact Indigo has had so far, you can find our very first Impact Report here! Now, though, it’s over to you.
Starting the new year by making resolutions is an age-old tradition, although many people make promises that are unmanageable and unlikely to stick.
This year, why not resolve to be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and help make the world a better place in any small way you can.
You could ta

Finally, thank you to everyone who has supported Indigo in 2019. It has been an amazing year, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Happy new year to all, and bring on 2020!